Career Choices, Healthcare

Ontario Needs More Personal Support Workers in 2022

If there’s one thing the ongoing pandemic has taught us, it’s how important healthcare workers are for the success of our society.

But while doctors and nurses rightfully get attention for their efforts, there are many others in the industry that don’t get the attention or support they need.

Here’s why Ontario needs more personal support workers in 2022.

There’s a real shortage of PSWs in Ontario.

It’s estimated there are 130,000 PSWs in Ontario, but employment trends and demands in 2022 show that’s still not enough.

With the province’s elderly population increasing, that’s roughly 1 personal support worker for every 12 clients. Many long-term care facilities find themselves short 5-10 PSWs every shift, leading to extended working hours and employee burnout.

And with extra safety protocols in place during the pandemic, PSWs are in need of more support than ever before. There’s never been a better time to pursue personal support worker jobs in Canada.

The demand for PSWs has never been higher.

Canada’s population is aging, which means the need for PSWs is only going up. But, thanks to improving medical care and a focus on healthy living, something interesting is happening in the world of long-term assistance.

More and more, many elderly are able to maintain their independence for longer, and are choosing to live in their own homes and have PSW assistance come to them. This is especially true as they look to avoid or delay communal living due to COVID-19.

This is creating more demand and opportunity than ever for personal support worker jobs in Canada. PSWs will always be needed in long-term care facilities, retirement homes, and hospices. But now PSW placement is being welcomed into places outside of traditional care, too.

It’s important and fulfilling healthcare work.

Personal support work isn’t just about helping patients with their medication or exercises. It’s about helping residents maintain their independence, confidence, and curiosity about life.

As 2022 begins, many are understandably feeling alone and isolated. The need for COVID protocols is adding a sterile feeling to their daily lives, and reduced visiting times often prevent them from seeing family.

That’s why providing companionship is a major part of the personal support worker job description. Once tasks like bathing and meals are out of the way, a simple conversation can help a resident feel appreciated again.

PSWs are the future of this country. And while we’re doing well in supporting them, the pandemic is pointing out how we can still do better.

It takes less than a year to become a PSW.

If you’re interested in becoming a PSW, it doesn’t take nearly as long as you might think.

The personal support worker program at Academy of Learning Career College is designed to be completed in just under a year. You’ll receive the basic skills and practical training needed to help you hit the ground running.

In 2021, as part of the Ontario government’s plan to train more personal support workers, students were able to experience a day in the life of a PSW. It gave them the experience and insight they needed to know they were making the right career choice.

There’s never been a better time to search for personal support worker jobs in Canada.

You can start studying for Personal Support Worker jobs in Canada today.

At the Academy of Learning Career College, you can begin studying the personal support worker program as soon as you’re ready. We know how important it is that your education fits into your busy life and schedule.

Contact us today and let’s get you working towards your PSW placement in Ontario.